But as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York recently noted, what has been unusual is the decline in spending on discretionary services like education, entertainment and meals at restaurants. 不过纽约联邦储备银行(theFederalReserveBankofNewYork)近日指出,美国家庭减少了在教育、娱乐和外出就餐等个人可支配性服务上的支出,这是个不同寻常的现象。
And the Federal Reserve Bank of New York just announced that student loan debt topped$ 1 trillion for the first time. 纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)日前宣布助学贷款额已首次突破1万亿美元大关。
Parliament's passage of a$ 21 billion supplementary budget will reduce Iraq's overall surplus, some of which is earning millions of dollars in interest at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 伊拉克议会通过了一项210亿美元的额外拨款预算,从而减少伊拉克的盈余总额,这些盈余中部分是存在纽约的联邦储备银行中的资本衍生出来的数百万美元的利息。
The rally followed news that Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Timothy Geithner is to be named Treasury secretary. 促使周五股市走高的是有关纽约联邦储备银行行长盖纳(TimothyGeithner)将被任命为财政部长的消息。
In return, the Federal Reserve may increase the Treasury's checking account at a Federal Reserve Bank. 这样,联邦储备系统就要增加美国财政部在联邦储备银行的支票帐户上的存款数。
So banks that become a member of the Federal Reserve System get shares and they become stockholders in the Federal Reserve Bank. 所以,联邦储备银行的会员银行,得到股份并且在联邦储备银行成为股东,它们分得股利。
Put differently, if a ( quasi) private sector solution was in the offing this past weekend, then Mr Paulson and Timothy Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, invited the wrong financiers. 换句话说,如果说在上周末,一个(准)私营部门解决方案正在酝酿之中,那么保尔森和纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)行长蒂莫西•加斯内(TimothyGeithner)找错了求助对象。
As an executive vice-president at the Federal Reserve Bank, Mr Collins says the beauty of the programme was that he could mix with entrepreneurs and managers from industry and government. 作为联邦储备银行(federalreservebank)的执行副行长,柯林斯表示,这门课程的优点是他可以接触到企业家以及来自商界和政府的管理层。
Wenske is working happily as a senior community-affairs adviser for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. 同样,现在担任堪萨斯城联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofKansasCity)高级社区事务顾问的文斯科先生工作得也很开心。
Timothy Geithner is president and chief executive of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 蒂摩斯盖施勒是纽约联邦储备银行行长兼首席执行官。
The Federal Reserve Bank has made a forcast that the economy will grow by 2% this year. 联邦储备银行预测今年经济将增长百分之二。
The locals see capital inflows driving up asset prices, says Dino Kos, who recently joined Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 最近刚从纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)离职并加盟摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)香港业务的迪诺•科斯(DinoKos)表示:当地人看到资本流入正推高资产价格。
The latest statistics from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York suggest that central banks have been reducing their holdings of dollars since august. 联储会纽约银行的最新调查数据表明那些中央银行已经从8月起减持美元。
Charles Evans, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, has proposed a plan in which the Fed would announce its intention to accommodate inflation of up to 3% a year as long as the unemployment rate remained above 7%. 芝加哥联邦储蓄银行主席查尔斯埃文斯提出了一个计划,在该计划中,他指出只要失业率仍然高于7%,美联储就应该宣布将年通胀率上调至3%。
Tim Geithner's last job was head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. 蒂姆·盖思南的上一份工作是联邦储备银行的总裁。
Wall Street dealers were stunned by the scale of demand in the Treasury auction, with record buying by investors such as money managers and foreign central banks electing to purchase the 10-year note directly from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 此次美国国债拍卖的需求规模让华尔街经纪商震惊,资产管理者等投资者的购买量达到创纪录水平,外国央行选择直接从纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)购买10年期国债。
There are12 Federal Reserve Districts ( FRD) in US with one Federal Reserve Bank per district. 在美国有12个联邦储备区,每个区都设有一个联邦储备银行。
More recently he was chairman of the Lower Manhattan Development Corp and at one time chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 最近,他曾担任曼哈顿下城发展公司,并在同一时间主席的联邦储备银行纽约。
In an August report, the Federal Reserve Bank ofDallasactually put it a bit higher. 联邦储备银行达拉斯分行八月份的报告显示,这一就业贡献率实际上更高。
What pulled us back from the chasm was the intervention of the Federal Reserve Bank. 是美联储(Fed)的干预,将我们从深渊中挽救了回来。
Police have taken down a previous Occupy San Francisco camp in the Justin Herman Plaza and also cleared another camp outside the Federal Reserve Bank downtown. 警察已拆卸了先前占领洛杉矶运动中在赫尔曼广场中的营地以及也清除了另一个在市中心联邦银行外地营地。
Today Mr Geithner, now president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, is again fighting a crisis, but this time at home and on a much bigger scale. 如今担任纽约联邦储备银行(federalreservebankofnewyork)行长的盖特纳,目前又再与一场危机作斗争,但这次是在美国国内,规模也大得多。
Some that say Federal Reserve Bank Note and even some that say National Bank Note. 有些是联邦储备银行的钞票,甚至还有的是国家银行的钞票。
The authors, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas chief economist W. 该专栏评论的作者,达拉斯联邦储备银行首席经济学家W。
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York postponed its planned purchases of Treasury debt for today. 纽约联储(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)推迟了原定今天进行的国债购买。
The Federal Reserve Bank is america's central bank. 联邦储备银行是美国的中央银行。
We understand the need to act quickly and decisively to implement these important measures, said the letter to Bill Dudley, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 我们了解需要采取快速果断的行动,将这些重要举措付诸实施,这封致纽约联邦储备银行行长比尔达德利(BillDudley)的信写道。
Mr McDonough, a former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, is a self-confessed realist. 麦克唐纳先生曾任纽约联邦储备银行行长,他自称是个现实主义者。